Terms & Conditions

Effective Date: 12/01/2023

Welcome to Alaska Park and Store. Here’s a copy of our storage lot agreement and rules to review.



P.O. Box 111989 - Anchorage, Alaska 99511 

THIS LEASE/RENTAL AGREEMENT, (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), is made and entered into as of the above set forth date (the “Rental Agreement Date”), by and between Alaska Park & Store, LLC, the Lessor, (hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”) and the Lessee identified above, (hereinafter referred to as the “Lessee”) (collectively “Parties”), whose last known address is set forth above. For the consideration provided in this Agreement, the Lessee agrees to rent from the Lessor, and the Lessor agrees to let the Lessee use and occupy the storage space at the space number listed above (hereinafter referred to as the “Space”) in the self-service storage facility known as Alaska Park & Store, located in Eagle River, Alaska (hereinafter referred to as the “Property”). 

By placing INITIALS HERE _____, Lessee acknowledges that the above information is correct, that unless Lessee is identified above as a business, Lessee is an individual, that all payments are due before the close of business on the day indicated, and that all payments are to be applied to the oldest delinquency first, including late charges and other fees which have become due. Lessee also understands and agrees to pay the fees and Rent as noted above and that Lessor reserves the right to require that Rent, other fees and charges be paid in cash, certified check or money order.  

  1. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION OF SPACE. The parties have entered into this Lease/Rental Agreement for the purpose of renting certain storage space as herein described and WITH THE EXPRESS UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT THAT NO BAILMENT OR DEPOSIT OF GOODS FOR SAFEKEEPING IS INTENDED OR CREATED HEREUNDER. LESSOR SHALL HAVE NO DUTY TO SECURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECT ANY PERSONAL PROPERTIES STORED ON THE FACILITY AGAINST DAMAGE, LOSS, OR THEFT, REGARDLESS OF ANY APPLICABLE LAW TO THE CONTRARY. Lessor rents to Lessee and Lessee rents from Lessor the above noted Space located at the above-referenced address of Lessor and included in a larger self-service storage facility at such address containing similar rented spaces and common areas for the use of Lessee and other Lessees (the entire self-service storage facility is hereinafter referred to as the “Property”). Lessee shall examine the Space and the Property and acknowledges and agrees the measurements noted for the Space are an approximation only, that space size is estimated and does not refer to usable space, the size of the Space and any referenced sizes are approximate, given for illustration only and may vary materially and that Lessee shall have had the opportunity to measure the Space, and that the Space and the common areas of the Property are satisfactory for all purposes for which Lessee shall use the Space or the common areas of the Property including the size and capacity of the Space. Lessee shall have access to the Space and the common areas of the Property only during such hours and days as are regularly posted at the Property which the Lessor may change. By placing INITIALS HERE ________, Lessee acknowledges that he understands the provisions of this paragraph and agrees to these provisions. 

  2. TERM AND RENT. The term of this Lease/Rental Agreement shall commence as of the date written above and shall continue from the first day of the month immediately following on a month-to-month basis until terminated. Lessee shall pay Lessor as a monthly Rent, without deduction, prior notice, demand or billing statement, the sum noted above (plus any applicable tax imposed by any taxing authority) in advance on the first day of each month. Lessee further agrees to immediately pay any additional fees and charges that may become due. A schedule of fees and charges are detailed in paragraph three (3). If the term of this Lease/Rental Agreement shall commence other than on the first day of the month, Lessee shall pay a pro rata portion of the first month’s Rent and a full month’s Rent for the second month’s Rent. Lessee understands and agrees that under no circumstances will Lessee be entitled to a refund of the Rent Fee paid upon execution of the Lease/Rental Agreement, and, thereafter, if this Lease/Rental Agreement terminates other than on the last day of the month, Lessee shall not be entitled to a refund of a pro rata portion of the Rent for the month in which the termination occurs. The monthly Rent amounts and number of other fees and/or charges, as well as any other term of this Lease/Rental Agreement may be adjusted by Lessor effective the month following written notice by Lessor to Lessee specifying the adjustment, which such notice shall be given not less than thirty (30) days prior to the first day on which the adjustment shall be effective. Any such adjustment shall not otherwise affect other terms of this Lease/Rental Agreement and all other terms of this Lease/Rental Agreement, shall remain in full force and effect. 

  3. FEES. Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, lessor shall have no obligation of sending a monthly invoice to Lessee. Lessee acknowledges that late payment of Rent shall cause Lessor to incur costs not contemplated by this Agreement, the exact amount of such costs being extremely difficult to fix. Therefore, if any Rent is received after five (5) days from the Due Date, Lessee shall pay to Lessor an additional sum of $20.00 as a late fee for each month Rent is past due, such amount being considered liquidated damages. The Parties agree that these late charges represent a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs the Lessor shall incur by reason of late payment by Lessee. Lessor shall not waive any rights under the law for non-payment of Rent. Said late charges are due and payable by Lessee without demand from Lessor. If any check is dishonored for any reason, Lessee shall pay said late charges in addition to a return check charge of $35.00 as an NSF fee. If Lessee’s property is processed for sale at public auction, Lessee shall be responsible for a $30.00 Auction Certification Fee at ninety (90) days late Rent and a $60.00 Auction Advertising Fee seven (7) days before the scheduled auction. The Lessee shall pay all costs of collection, which includes collection agency fees, attorney fees, and court costs. Other fees charged to Lessee may be contained in Addendums to this Agreement. 

  4. LESSORS RIGHTS AND REMEDIES. Use of this Space shall be governed by Alaska Statutes 34.35.175, .220, .225 and .290, which give Lessor a statutory lien on personal properties stored on the Space which may be enforced by a public sale of such properties if Lessee’s obligations and liabilities under this Agreement are not fully, faithfully and timely performed and satisfied. Lessee also hereby grants Lessor an Alaska Uniform Commercial Code security interest in all of the personal properties it stores on the Space and the proceeds thereof as collateral for the full, faithful and timely performance and satisfaction of its obligations and liabilities to Lessor under this Agreement. If Lessee defaults in the payment of Rent, the performance of any of its other obligations, or the satisfaction of any liabilities owed by it to Lessor under this Agreement and fails to completely cure such default within 5 days.  after Lessor has demanded that such default be cured or Lessee vacates or abandons the Space or any personal properties stored on it, Lessor may, at its option, terminate this Agreement without notice to Lessee and thereafter re-enter and take possession of the Space and the personal properties stored upon it, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies under this Agreement and applicable law, which shall be cumulative and concurrent. Such rights and remedies include the irrevocable right without the further consent of Lessee and without any liability to the Lessor to cut any padlock, break any lock on and enter into and operate any personal properties stored on the Space to inspect, repossess and/or move such properties and re-rent the Space. In the event Lessee defaults in the performance of any of its obligations or liabilities to Lessor under this Agreement, Lessee shall be obligated to pay Lessor all of the reasonable actual costs and fees, including actual attorney’s fees, incurred by Lessor in enforcing its rights and remedies under this Agreement. Interest on past-due monies owed by Lessee to Lessor under this Agreement shall accrue at the  maximum legal interest rate chargeable on such monies under a contract. 

  5. ABONDOMENT OF LESSEE’S PROPERTY. Any personal property of Lessee which shall remain in or on the Space or at the Property after the expiration or termination of this Lease/Rental Agreement shall be considered abandoned at the option of Lessor and, if abandoned, Lessor may sell, destroy, or otherwise dispose of Lessee’s property without liability to the Lessor. 

  6. INCORPORATION OF PROVISIONS ON ADDITIONAL PAGES. Lessee acknowledges that he has read, is familiar with and agrees to all the provisions printed on the additional pages of this Lease/Rental Agreement and Lessor and Lessee agree that all such provisions constitute a material part of this Lease/Rental Agreement and are hereby incorporated by reference. 

  7. USE OF SPACE AND PROPERTY AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Lessee shall not permit any Hazardous Materials (as defined below) to be stored in the Space or the Property or store any improperly packaged food or perishable goods, flammable materials, explosives and other inherently dangerous material in the Space or the Property and shall not store any personal property on the Space which would result in the violation of any law or regulation of any governmental authority, including without limitation, all laws and regulations relating to Hazardous Materials, waste disposal and other environmental matters, and Lessee shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances of any and all governmental authorities concerning the Space and its use. For purposes of this Lease/Rental Agreement, “Hazardous Materials” shall include but not be limited to any hazardous or toxic chemical, gas, liquid, substance, material or waste (including, in some jurisdictions, vehicle tires) that it is or becomes regulated under any applicable local, state or federal law or regulation. Lessee shall not use the Space in any manner that will constitute waste, nuisance or unreasonable annoyance to Lessor, Lessor’s Agents or employees, or other Lessees in the Property, nor perform any welding in the Property. Any items or materials stored outside the Space shall conclusively be presumed to have been abandoned and may be disposed of by Lessor without any notice to Lessee or any other person. Lessor shall have the right to enter the Space whenever it deems it necessary to do so, without permission or notice, for inspection. Lessee will indemnify and hold Lessor harmless for all damages resulting from the breach of this section. 

  8. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO USE SPACE AS “DWELLING UNIT,” AND WAIVER OF ANY AND ALL REMEDIES UNDER ALASKA’S LANDLORD TENANT ACT (A.S. 34.03. ET SEQ): Lessee hereby waives and any and right to use the stored property as a “dwelling unit,” as the term is defined under AS 34.03.360(a)(3). Lessee agrees that no individual shall use the stored property as a “home, residence, or sleeping place,” as the term is used in both normal practice or A.S. 34.03 et seq. Since no portion of the stored property may be used as a “dwelling unit,” Lessee waives all protections under the Landlord Tenant Act (A.S. 34.03. et seq), since Lessee acknowledges that this lease/rental agreement is for commercial purposes only. In the event that any individual uses the stored property as a “dwelling unit,” such is a default of this agreement, which is subject to immediate termination by Lessor and eviction by the Lessor. 

  9. INSURANCE; RELEASE OF LIABILITY. ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY IS STORED BY LESSEE AT LESSEE’S SOLE RISK. INSURANCE IS LESSEE’S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY. LESSEE UNDERSTANDS THAT LESSOR WILL NOT ENSURE LESSEE’S PERSONAL PROPERTY AND THAT LESSEE IS OBLIGATED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS LEASE/RENTAL AGREEMENT TO INSURE HIS OWN GOODS. To the extent Lessee’s insurance lapses or Lessee does not obtain insurance coverage for the full value of Lessee’s personal property stored in or on the Space, Lessee agrees Lessee will personally assume all risk of loss. Lessor and Lessor’s agents, affiliates, authorized representatives and employees, and any owner of the Property (collectively “Lessor’s Agents”) will not be responsible for, and Lessee hereby releases Lessor and Lessor’s Agents from any responsibility for, any loss, liability, claim, expense or damage to property that could have been insured (including without limitation any Loss arising from the active or passive acts, omission or negligence of Lessor or Lessor’s Agents), or acts of other Lessees in the property (the “Released Claims”). Lessee waives any rights of recovery against Lessor, Lessor’s Agents for the Released Claims, and Lessee expressly agrees that the carrier of any insurance obtained by Lessee shall not be subrogated to any claim of Lessee against Lessor or Lessor’s Agents. The provisions of this paragraph will not limit the rights of Lessor and Lessor’s Agents under paragraph 9. By placing INITIALS HERE _______, Lessee acknowledges that he understands the provisions of this paragraph and agrees to these provisions and that insurance is Lessee’s sole responsibility. 

  10. LIMITATION OF LESSOR’S LIABILITY; INDEMNITY. Lessor and Lessor’s Agents will have no responsibility to Lessee or to any other person for any loss, liability, claim, expense, damage to property or injury to persons (“Loss”) from any cause, including without limitation, Lessor’s and Lessor’s Agents active or passive acts, omissions, negligence or conversion, unless the Loss is directly caused by Lessor’s fraud, willful injury or willful violation of law. Lessee shall indemnify and hold Lessor and Lessor’s Agents harmless from any loss incurred by Lessor and Lessor’s Agents in any way arising out of Lessee’s use of the Space or the Property including, but not limited to, claims of injury or loss by Lessee’s visitors or invitees. Lessee agrees that Lessor’s and Lessor’s Agents’ total responsibility for any Loss from any cause whatsoever will not exceed a total of $5,000. By placing INITIALS HERE _______, Lessee acknowledges that he understands and agrees to the provisions of this paragraph. 

  11. REPRESENTATION AS TO MILITARY SERVICE. Lessee (check one) is   or is not  in the military. In addition to paragraph 14 below, Lessee agrees to immediately notify Lessor of changes in Lessee’s military status or assignment resulting in changes to the email address, mailing address, phone number or other information provided above. 

  12. RIGHT TO ENTER, INSPECT AND REPAIR SPACE. Lessee shall grant Lessor, Lessor’s Agents or the representatives of any governmental authority, including police and fire officials, access to the Space upon three (3) days prior written notice to Lessee. In the event Lessee shall not grant access to the Space as required, or in the event of an emergency or upon default of any of Lessee’s obligations under this Lease/Rental Agreement, Lessor, Lessor’s Agents or the representative of any governmental authority shall have the right, but not the obligation, without any liability to the Lessor to remove Lessee’s locks and enter the Space for the purpose of examining the Space or the contents thereof or for the purpose of making repairs or alterations to the Space and taking such other action as may be necessary or appropriate to preserve the Space or to comply with applicable law including any applicable local, state or federal law or regulation governing hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste, or to enforce any of Lessor’s rights. In the event of any damage or injury to the Space or the Property arising from the negligent or deliberate act or omissions of the Lessee, or for which Lessee is otherwise responsible, or if Lessee fails to remove all personal property from the Space upon termination of this Lease/Rental Agreement, all expenses reasonably incurred by Lessor to repair or restore the Space or the Property including any expense incurred in connection with any investigation of site conditions, or any clean-up, removal or restoration work required by any applicable local, state or federal law or regulation or agency regulating any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste, shall be paid by the Lessee as additional Rent and shall be due upon demand by the Lessor. 

  13. TERMINATION AND DEFAULT. Lessor may terminate this Lease/Rental Agreement (i) if Lessee is not in default, at the expiration of any period or term by giving  notice to Lessee as provided in paragraph 14 below, not less than seven (7) days before expiration of the term or, (ii) if there is a default, by notice five  (5) days in advance at any time during the term. Lessee may terminate this Lease/Rental Agreement at any time by giving five (5) days’ notice to Lessor. The notice in writing shall be sent via email (to info@alaskaparkandstore.com). If Lessee defaults under any of the obligations under this Lease/Rental Agreement, Lessor may pursue any remedies available to Lessor under applicable law or this Lease/Rental Agreement. Lessor’s decision to pursue one remedy shall not prevent Lessor from pursuing other available remedies. Also, if Lessor or Lessor’s Agents reasonably determine that Lessee has vacated the Space, Lessor may terminate this Lease/Rental Agreement immediately or at any time thereafter. 


    (a) CHANGE OF PHYSICAL ADDRESS, PHONE, OR EMAIL ADDRESS. In the event Lessee shall change Lessee’s physical address, phone, or email address or alternate name and address as set forth on this Lease/Rental Agreement, Lessee shall give Lessor  notice via email (to info@alaskaparkandstore.com) or update through their portal (log into customer portal, click profile "My profile" to update their contact information)., within ten (10) days of the change.  For the purposes of all notice requirements in this Agreement, the Lessor is entitled to rely upon the last email address received by the Lessor and the Lessee shall not be able to assert a lack of notice if the Lessee has a different email address but has failed to furnish it to the Lessor or fails to read the email.  The Lessee warrants to the Lessor that all information furnished to the Lessor is correct. If the Lessee furnishes incorrect information to the Lessor, the Lessee has breached this Lease/Rental Agreement. 

     (b) NOTICES; CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS.  Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Lease/Rental Agreement or by law, any written notices or demands required or permitted to be given under the terms of this Lease/Rental Agreement may be delivered electronically to the most current email address on record for Lessee. Service of any such notice or demand shall be deemed complete upon the date and time sent by Lessor, in the case of an electronic notice. Further, Lessee consents to and expressly agrees that to the extent permitted by law, any notices, writings, or other communications required by or made in connection with this Lease/Rental Agreement by Lessor may be made electronically to the most current email address provided by Lessee to Lessor (consistent with the provisions of paragraph 14(a)), and that all such notices, writings and communications shall be deemed made by Lessor as of the date and time the email is sent by Lessor to Lessee. Lessee further expressly agrees that all such notices, writings and communications made in electronic form by Lessor shall have the same legal force, effect and enforceability as if they were made in non-electronic form. Lessee agrees that any reference in this Lease/Rental Agreement to a writing or written form may be fulfilled through an electronic record, including an electronic signature, which shall have the same legal force, effect, and enforceability as if it was made in a non-electronic form.  

  15. RULES AND REGULATIONS. The rules and regulations posted in a conspicuous place at the Property and posted on the Lessor’s website are made a part of this Lease/Rental Agreement and Lessee shall comply at all times with such rules and regulations. Lessor shall have the right from time to time to promulgate amendments to the rules and regulations. Upon the posting of any such amendments or additions in a conspicuous place at the Property or the Lessor’s web site, they shall become a part of this Lease/Rental Agreement. 


    (a) Lessee hereby authorizes Lessor to release any information regarding Lessee as may be required by law or requested by governmental authorities or agencies, law enforcement agencies, or courts.   

    (b) Lessee shall not assign or sublease the Space. Lessor may assign or transfer this Lease/Rental Agreement without the consent of Lessee and, after such assignment or transfer, Lessor shall be released from all obligations under this Lease/Rental Agreement occurring after such assignment or transfer. All the provisions of this Lease/Rental Agreement shall apply to, and be obligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, successors and assigns of all the parties hereto. 

    (c) Time is of the essence. 

    (d) If Lessee transfers to another Space on the Property, or has multiple Spaces within the Property, all of the provisions of this Lease/Rental Agreement shall apply to any Space occupied with the exception of the amount of monthly Rent. Monthly Rent shall be adjusted in accordance with paragraph 2. 

     ( e ) Days as used in this agreement means business days, Monday through Friday, unless a holiday recognized by the State of Alaska falls on one of those days in which it is not counted.  Saturday and Sunday are not counted.  

  17. NO WARRANTIES; ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Lessor hereby disclaims any implied or express warranties, guarantees or representations of the nature, condition, safety or security of the Space and the Property and Lessee hereby acknowledges, as provided in paragraph 1 above, that Lessee has inspected the Space and the Property and hereby acknowledges and agrees that Lessor does not represent or guarantee the safety or security of the Space or the Property or of any personal property stored therein, and this Lease/Rental Agreement does not create any contractual obligation for Lessor to increase or maintain such safety or security. This Lease/Rental Agreement and any written amendments or addenda executed at the same time as this Lease/Rental Agreement set forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings with respect thereto. With the exception of posted rules and regulations as noted in paragraph 15, there are no representations, warranties, or agreements by or between the parties which are not fully set forth herein and no representative of Lessor or Lessor’s Agents is authorized to make any representations, warranties, or agreements other than as expressly set forth herein and, further, with the exception of any subsequent notice from Lessor to Lessee of adjustments as provided in paragraph 2 above, this Lease/Rental Agreement may only be amended by a writing signed by the parties. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease/Rental Agreement the day and year first above written. 



______________________________ _____________________________ 

Alaska Park & Store, LLC LESSEE 





1. Access available 6 a.m. to midnight 7 days a week.

2. All stored items must be secured at all times.

3. Gate access codes will be provided only to Lessee. It is Lessee’s responsibility to give and explain

its usage to any person authorized to use the Space.

4. Wait for the gate to open completely before entering and exiting.

5. Alaska Park & Store is a non-smoking facility. Smoking anywhere inside the fence is prohibited.

6. Speed limit within the facility is 5 mph.

7. Alaska Park & Store is a self-storage facility. It does not remove snow or ice from the Space.

8. Park centered within and as far back as possible inside your Space boundaries.

9. Alaska Park & Store reserves the right to move Lessee’s vehicles for the safety of the facility and

for facility maintenance and improvements.

10. Vehicles must be kept in a drivable condition and trailers in a road-worthy condition at all times.

Any vehicle leaking oil, antifreeze or other liquid must be removed from the premises and repaired

before returning to storage. No oil changes or lubrication of vehicles or trailers are allowed at any

time. The cost for cleanup of leaking vehicles will be at Lessee’s expense.

11. Vehicle tires must be inflated at all times. No vehicle or trailer shall be placed on blocks.

12. The space shall only be used for the storage of property specified in the rental agreement. No

materials, supplies, or equipment may be stored outside of the vehicle, trailer, or vessel.

13. No storage of illegal or dangerous items or materials, including illegal drugs (including cannabis),

firearms, fireworks, flammable or hazardous liquids.

14. Vehicle covers must be secured to avoid noise and damage to others.

15. No repairs to stored items may be made on the Property.

16. Lessee will be responsible for all damages it causes to the fence, access gate, or rope that secures identification numbers.

17. No loose pets allowed on the Property.

18. No jacks in direct contact with the ground. Dunnage required.

19. ALL trailers (RV's, snow machine, toy haulers, etc) not connected to a vehicle must have wheel chocks placed at all wheels to prevent unintentional movement.

Lessee has read the above Rules, understands and agrees to abide by them, and has received a copy.


Lessee’s Signature